Focal Mechanism and Moment Tensor
1.1 Historical development of earthquake mechanics¶
1.2 What is moment tensor?¶
Momentum equation for an elastic continuum
\begin{equation} \rho \frac{\partial^2 u_i}{\partial t^2} = {\partial_j \tau_{ij}} + f_i \end{equation}
𝜌: density
𝑢: displacement
𝜏: stress tensor
𝑓: body force term
If we only concentrate on the force term, we can solve this linear, time-invariant differential equation using convolution:
\begin{equation} u_i(x, t) = G_{ij}(x, t; x_0, t_0)f_j(x_0, t_0) \end{equation}
𝐺: elastodynamic Green's function. 𝑢: displacement at location x and time t 𝑓: force at location 𝑥0 and 𝑡0
Because it is linear, the displacement from any body-force distribution can be computed as the sum of individual point sources.
Force couple and double couple
Since an earthquake is usually modeled as slip on a fault, which has the slip distribution equivalent to that generated by two force vectors of magnitude f, pointing to opposite directions, separated by a distance d (force couple).
To balance the angular momentum, a complementary couple is used. (double couple)
Stress tensor versus moment tensor
stress tensor describes the state of stress at a particular point.
moment tensor describes the force (caused by deformation) at the source location that generates seismic waves.
\begin{equation} u_i(x, t) = \frac{\partial G_{ij}(x, t; x_0, t_0)} {\partial {(x_0)}_k}M_{jk}(x_0, t_0) \end{equation}
Different type of moment tensors
1.3 What is focal mechanism?¶
Focal mechanism: Fault orientation and slip direction on which the earthquake occurred
1.4 Why moment tensor and focal mechanism is important?¶
From seismology to rock mechanics and structural geology
1.3.1 Fault orientation¶
example from
examples from Scholz, C. H. (2019). The mechanics of earthquakes and faulting. Cambridge university press.
Large earthquake focal mechanisms --> Main fault and large-scale tectonic motions
Small earthquake focal mechanisms --> local fault structures
1.3.2 Slip direction¶
For large fault with varying creep rate
using known fault orientation and focal mechanism to solve slip direction
For small single earthquakes
Combine rupture directivity to find the fault orientation and slip direction
1.3.3 Stress orientation¶
stress + fault orientation --> slip direction
Focal mechanism = fault orientation + slip direction --> stress inversion!
Assumption: stress in the same bin is uniform and all focal mechanisms are optimally oriented to fail under the stress
1.3.4 hydrothermal, nuclear, and other processes¶
From Miller, A. D., Foulger, G. R., & Julian, B. R. (1998). Non‐double‐couple earthquakes 2. Observations. Reviews of Geophysics, 36(4), 551-568.
2. Moment tensor calculation¶
2.1 Install packages¶
# install cps for synthesizing green's function
# more documents:
import os
if not os.path.exists("PROGRAMS.330"):
!wget ""
!tar -xzf NP330.Oct-26-2023.tgz
%cd PROGRAMS.330
!./Setup LINUX
%cd ..
2.2 Obtain green's functions¶
\begin{equation} u_z = M_{xx}[\,\frac{ZSS}{2}cos(2\alpha z)-\frac{ZDD}{6}+\frac{ZEP}{3}]\, + M_{yy}[\,-\frac{ZSS}{2}cos(2\alpha z)-\frac{ZDD}{6}+\frac{ZEP}{3}]\, + M_{zz}[\,\frac{ZDD}{3}+\frac{ZEP}{3}]\, + M_{xy}[\,{ZSS}sin(2\alpha z)]\,+ M_{xz}[\,{ZDS}cos(\alpha z)]\,+ M_{yz}[\,{ZDS}sin(\alpha z)]\, \end{equation} .
\begin{equation} u_r = M_{xx}[\,\frac{RSS}{2}cos(2\alpha z)-\frac{RDD}{6}+\frac{REP}{3}]\, + M_{yy}[\,-\frac{RSS}{2}cos(2\alpha z)-\frac{RDD}{6}+\frac{REP}{3}]\, + M_{zz}[\,\frac{RDD}{3}+\frac{REP}{3}]\, + M_{xy}[\,{RSS}sin(2\alpha z)]\,+ M_{xz}[\,{RDS}cos(\alpha z)]\,+ M_{yz}[\,{RDS}sin(\alpha z)]\, \end{equation} .
\begin{equation} u_t = M_{xx}[\,\frac{TSS}{2}sin(2\alpha z)]\, + M_{yy}[\,-\frac{TSS}{2}sin(2\alpha z)]\, + M_{xy}[\,-{TSS}cos(2\alpha z)]\,+ M_{xz}[\,{TDS}sin(\alpha z)]\,+ M_{yz}[\,-{TDS}cos(\alpha z)]\, \end{equation} .
𝑢: Surface displacement
𝑆𝑆: vertical strike-slip Green's function
𝐷𝑆: vertical dip-slip Green's function
𝐷𝐷: 45 degrees dip-slip Green's function
𝐸𝑃: explosion Green's function
Equation (6-8) in Minson, S. E., & Dreger, D. S. (2008). Stable inversions for complete moment tensors. Geophysical Journal International, 174(2), 585-592.
import os
from obspy import read
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
path = "./results"
path_bin = 'PROGRAMS.330/bin'
velocity_model = """MODEL.01
1.0000 3.20 1.50 2.28 600.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
2.0000 4.50 2.40 2.28 600.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
1.0000 4.80 2.78 2.58 600.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
1.0000 5.51 3.18 2.58 600.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
12.000 6.21 3.40 2.68 600.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
8.0000 6.89 3.98 3.00 600.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
0.0000 7.83 4.52 3.26 600.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
with open('gil7.d','w') as f:
dfile = """50 1.00 256 0 0.0
100 1.00 256 0 0.0
150 1.00 256 0 0.0
with open("dfile", 'w') as f:
model = "gil7"
depths = sorted([5,10,15,20]) # compute GF at 10, 20 km
distances = sorted([50,100,150])
npts = int(256) # number of points in the time series, must be a power of 2
vred = 0 # Reduction velocity in km/sec, 0 sets the reference time to origin time
t0 = int(0) # used to define the first sample point, t0 + distance_in_km/vred
# Filter
freqmin = 0.02
freqmax = 0.05
corners = 3
# Desired sampling interval
dt = 1.0
# time before and after reference time, data will be cut before and after the reference time
time_before = 30
time_after = 200
# green_dir = path + "%s/%s"%('test',model)
green_dir = os.path.join(path, model)
if not os.path.isdir(green_dir):
os.makedirs(green_dir, exist_ok=True )
!PROGRAMS.330/bin/hprep96 -M gil7.d -d dfile -HS 5.0000 -HR 0 -EQEX
!PROGRAMS.330/bin/hpulse96 -D -i > file96
!PROGRAMS.330/bin/f96tosac -B file96
0.0976562 10.0000000 256 1 129 ieqex= 0 EARTHQUAKE + EXPLOSION 10 TOP OF MODEL IS FREE SURFACE BASE OF MODEL IS HALFSPACE WITH PROPERTIES OF BOTTOM LAYER gil7.d LAYER H P-VEL S-VEL DENSITY 1 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 2 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 3 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 4 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 5 12.00 6.210 3.400 2.680 6 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 7 0.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 Working model d a b rho 1/qa 1/qb bsh 1/qbsh 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 1.500 2.280 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 2.400 2.280 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 2.780 2.580 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 3.180 2.580 12.000 6.210 3.400 2.680 0.001667 0.003333 3.400 2.680 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 0.001667 0.003333 3.980 3.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 0.001667 0.003333 4.520 3.260 XLENG= 0.2496000E+04 XFAC= 0.4000000E+01 WAVENUMBER FILTERING bounded in phase velocites [cmax,c1,c2,cmin]=[ -1.000, -1.000, -1.000, -1.000] ( -1.0 means 0.0 for cmin and infinity for cmax) LAYER INSERTION DONE mmax= 7 0.1000E+01 0.3200E+01 0.1500E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.2000E+01 0.4500E+01 0.2400E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.4800E+01 0.2780E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.5510E+01 0.3180E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1200E+02 0.6210E+01 0.3400E+01 0.2680E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.8000E+01 0.6890E+01 0.3980E+01 0.3000E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.0000E+00 0.7830E+01 0.4520E+01 0.3260E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 fl = 0.0000 fu = 0.50000 df = 3.90625E-03 n1 = 1 n2 = 129 n = 256 vmin = 1.5000 vamin = 3.2000 vamax = 7.8300 vbmin = 1.5000 vbmax = 4.5200 SOURCE DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depths = 5.00000 ( 5.00000 ) RECEIVER DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depthr = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) RECEIVER DISTANCES ( 3 ) r = 50.0000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 100.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 150.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 alpha = 9.7656250E-03 dt = 1.00 frequencies for which response computed 3.90625E-05 3.90625E-03 7.81250E-03 1.17188E-02 1.56250E-02 1.95312E-02 2.34375E-02 2.73438E-02 3.12500E-02 3.51562E-02 3.90625E-02 4.29688E-02 4.68750E-02 5.07812E-02 5.46875E-02 5.85938E-02 6.25000E-02 6.64062E-02 7.03125E-02 7.42188E-02 7.81250E-02 8.20312E-02 8.59375E-02 8.98438E-02 9.37500E-02 9.76562E-02 0.10156 0.10547 0.10938 0.11328 0.11719 0.12109 0.12500 0.12891 0.13281 0.13672 0.14062 0.14453 0.14844 0.15234 0.15625 0.16016 0.16406 0.16797 0.17188 0.17578 0.17969 0.18359 0.18750 0.19141 0.19531 0.19922 0.20312 0.20703 0.21094 0.21484 0.21875 0.22266 0.22656 0.23047 0.23438 0.23828 0.24219 0.24609 0.25000 0.25391 0.25781 0.26172 0.26562 0.26953 0.27344 0.27734 0.28125 0.28516 0.28906 0.29297 0.29688 0.30078 0.30469 0.30859 0.31250 0.31641 0.32031 0.32422 0.32812 0.33203 0.33594 0.33984 0.34375 0.34766 0.35156 0.35547 0.35938 0.36328 0.36719 0.37109 0.37500 0.37891 0.38281 0.38672 0.39062 0.39453 0.39844 0.40234 0.40625 0.41016 0.41406 0.41797 0.42188 0.42578 0.42969 0.43359 0.43750 0.44141 0.44531 0.44922 0.45312 0.45703 0.46094 0.46484 0.46875 0.47266 0.47656 0.48047 0.48438 0.48828 0.49219 0.49609 0.50000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 Transition to non-asymptotic at 1.56250000E-02 r(km) t0(sec) hs(km) hr(km) Tp(sec) Tsv(sec) Tsh(sec) 50.0 0.00 5.00 0.00 8.77 16.1 16.1 100. 0.00 5.00 0.00 16.7 30.5 30.5 150. 0.00 5.00 0.00 23.6 41.6 41.6
dfile = ("{dist:.0f} {dt:.2f} {npts:d} {t0:d} {vred:.1f}\n")
dfile_out = os.path.join(path,"dfile")
for depth in depths:
with open(dfile_out,"w") as f:
for distance in distances:
# Generate the synthetics
os.system("cd %s" % (path))
os.system("PROGRAMS.330/bin/hprep96 -M %s.d -d %s -HS %.4f -HR 0 -EQEX"%(model,dfile_out,depth))
os.system("PROGRAMS.330/bin/hpulse96 -D -i > file96")
os.system("PROGRAMS.330/bin/f96tosac -B file96")
# Filter and save the synthetic Green's functions
greens = ("ZDD","RDD","ZDS","RDS","TDS","ZSS","RSS","TSS","ZEX","REX")
for index,distance in enumerate(distances):
for j,grn in enumerate(greens):
sacin = "B%03d%02d%s.sac"%(index+1,j+1,grn)
sacout = "%s/%.0f.%.4f"%(green_dir,distance,depth)
tmp = read(sacin,format='SAC')
tmp.write("%s.%s"%(sacout,grn),format="SAC") # overwrite
# Uncomment to remove unfiltered synthetic SAC files
os.system("rm B*.sac") # remove the unfiltered SAC files
0.0976562 10.0000000 256 1 129 ieqex= 0 EARTHQUAKE + EXPLOSION 10 TOP OF MODEL IS FREE SURFACE BASE OF MODEL IS HALFSPACE WITH PROPERTIES OF BOTTOM LAYER gil7.d LAYER H P-VEL S-VEL DENSITY 1 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 2 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 3 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 4 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 5 12.00 6.210 3.400 2.680 6 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 7 0.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 Working model d a b rho 1/qa 1/qb bsh 1/qbsh 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 1.500 2.280 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 2.400 2.280 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 2.780 2.580 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 3.180 2.580 12.000 6.210 3.400 2.680 0.001667 0.003333 3.400 2.680 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 0.001667 0.003333 3.980 3.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 0.001667 0.003333 4.520 3.260 XLENG= 0.2496000E+04 XFAC= 0.4000000E+01 WAVENUMBER FILTERING bounded in phase velocites [cmax,c1,c2,cmin]=[ -1.000, -1.000, -1.000, -1.000] ( -1.0 means 0.0 for cmin and infinity for cmax) LAYER INSERTION DONE mmax= 7 0.1000E+01 0.3200E+01 0.1500E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.2000E+01 0.4500E+01 0.2400E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.4800E+01 0.2780E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.5510E+01 0.3180E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1200E+02 0.6210E+01 0.3400E+01 0.2680E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.8000E+01 0.6890E+01 0.3980E+01 0.3000E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.0000E+00 0.7830E+01 0.4520E+01 0.3260E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 fl = 0.0000 fu = 0.50000 df = 3.90625E-03 n1 = 1 n2 = 129 n = 256 vmin = 1.5000 vamin = 3.2000 vamax = 7.8300 vbmin = 1.5000 vbmax = 4.5200 SOURCE DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depths = 5.00000 ( 5.00000 ) RECEIVER DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depthr = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) RECEIVER DISTANCES ( 3 ) r = 50.0000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 100.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 150.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 alpha = 9.7656250E-03 dt = 1.00 frequencies for which response computed 3.90625E-05 3.90625E-03 7.81250E-03 1.17188E-02 1.56250E-02 1.95312E-02 2.34375E-02 2.73438E-02 3.12500E-02 3.51562E-02 3.90625E-02 4.29688E-02 4.68750E-02 5.07812E-02 5.46875E-02 5.85938E-02 6.25000E-02 6.64062E-02 7.03125E-02 7.42188E-02 7.81250E-02 8.20312E-02 8.59375E-02 8.98438E-02 9.37500E-02 9.76562E-02 0.10156 0.10547 0.10938 0.11328 0.11719 0.12109 0.12500 0.12891 0.13281 0.13672 0.14062 0.14453 0.14844 0.15234 0.15625 0.16016 0.16406 0.16797 0.17188 0.17578 0.17969 0.18359 0.18750 0.19141 0.19531 0.19922 0.20312 0.20703 0.21094 0.21484 0.21875 0.22266 0.22656 0.23047 0.23438 0.23828 0.24219 0.24609 0.25000 0.25391 0.25781 0.26172 0.26562 0.26953 0.27344 0.27734 0.28125 0.28516 0.28906 0.29297 0.29688 0.30078 0.30469 0.30859 0.31250 0.31641 0.32031 0.32422 0.32812 0.33203 0.33594 0.33984 0.34375 0.34766 0.35156 0.35547 0.35938 0.36328 0.36719 0.37109 0.37500 0.37891 0.38281 0.38672 0.39062 0.39453 0.39844 0.40234 0.40625 0.41016 0.41406 0.41797 0.42188 0.42578 0.42969 0.43359 0.43750 0.44141 0.44531 0.44922 0.45312 0.45703 0.46094 0.46484 0.46875 0.47266 0.47656 0.48047 0.48438 0.48828 0.49219 0.49609 0.50000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 Transition to non-asymptotic at 1.56250000E-02 r(km) t0(sec) hs(km) hr(km) Tp(sec) Tsv(sec) Tsh(sec) 50.0 0.00 5.00 0.00 8.77 16.1 16.1 100. 0.00 5.00 0.00 16.7 30.5 30.5 150. 0.00 5.00 0.00 23.6 41.6 41.6 0.0976562 10.0000000 256 1 129 ieqex= 0 EARTHQUAKE + EXPLOSION 10 TOP OF MODEL IS FREE SURFACE BASE OF MODEL IS HALFSPACE WITH PROPERTIES OF BOTTOM LAYER gil7.d LAYER H P-VEL S-VEL DENSITY 1 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 2 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 3 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 4 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 5 12.00 6.210 3.400 2.680 6 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 7 0.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 Working model d a b rho 1/qa 1/qb bsh 1/qbsh 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 1.500 2.280 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 2.400 2.280 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 2.780 2.580 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 3.180 2.580 12.000 6.210 3.400 2.680 0.001667 0.003333 3.400 2.680 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 0.001667 0.003333 3.980 3.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 0.001667 0.003333 4.520 3.260 XLENG= 0.2496000E+04 XFAC= 0.4000000E+01 WAVENUMBER FILTERING bounded in phase velocites [cmax,c1,c2,cmin]=[ -1.000, -1.000, -1.000, -1.000] ( -1.0 means 0.0 for cmin and infinity for cmax) LAYER INSERTION DONE mmax= 8 0.1000E+01 0.3200E+01 0.1500E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.2000E+01 0.4500E+01 0.2400E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.4800E+01 0.2780E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.5510E+01 0.3180E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.5000E+01 0.6210E+01 0.3400E+01 0.2680E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.7000E+01 0.6210E+01 0.3400E+01 0.2680E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.8000E+01 0.6890E+01 0.3980E+01 0.3000E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.0000E+00 0.7830E+01 0.4520E+01 0.3260E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 fl = 0.0000 fu = 0.50000 df = 3.90625E-03 n1 = 1 n2 = 129 n = 256 vmin = 1.5000 vamin = 3.2000 vamax = 7.8300 vbmin = 1.5000 vbmax = 4.5200 SOURCE DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depths = 10.0000 ( 10.0000 ) RECEIVER DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depthr = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) RECEIVER DISTANCES ( 3 ) r = 50.0000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 100.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 150.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 alpha = 9.7656250E-03 dt = 1.00 frequencies for which response computed 3.90625E-05 3.90625E-03 7.81250E-03 1.17188E-02 1.56250E-02 1.95312E-02 2.34375E-02 2.73438E-02 3.12500E-02 3.51562E-02 3.90625E-02 4.29688E-02 4.68750E-02 5.07812E-02 5.46875E-02 5.85938E-02 6.25000E-02 6.64062E-02 7.03125E-02 7.42188E-02 7.81250E-02 8.20312E-02 8.59375E-02 8.98438E-02 9.37500E-02 9.76562E-02 0.10156 0.10547 0.10938 0.11328 0.11719 0.12109 0.12500 0.12891 0.13281 0.13672 0.14062 0.14453 0.14844 0.15234 0.15625 0.16016 0.16406 0.16797 0.17188 0.17578 0.17969 0.18359 0.18750 0.19141 0.19531 0.19922 0.20312 0.20703 0.21094 0.21484 0.21875 0.22266 0.22656 0.23047 0.23438 0.23828 0.24219 0.24609 0.25000 0.25391 0.25781 0.26172 0.26562 0.26953 0.27344 0.27734 0.28125 0.28516 0.28906 0.29297 0.29688 0.30078 0.30469 0.30859 0.31250 0.31641 0.32031 0.32422 0.32812 0.33203 0.33594 0.33984 0.34375 0.34766 0.35156 0.35547 0.35938 0.36328 0.36719 0.37109 0.37500 0.37891 0.38281 0.38672 0.39062 0.39453 0.39844 0.40234 0.40625 0.41016 0.41406 0.41797 0.42188 0.42578 0.42969 0.43359 0.43750 0.44141 0.44531 0.44922 0.45312 0.45703 0.46094 0.46484 0.46875 0.47266 0.47656 0.48047 0.48438 0.48828 0.49219 0.49609 0.50000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 Transition to non-asymptotic at 7.81250000E-03 r(km) t0(sec) hs(km) hr(km) Tp(sec) Tsv(sec) Tsh(sec) 50.0 0.00 10.0 0.00 8.89 16.3 16.3 100. 0.00 10.0 0.00 16.7 29.6 29.6 150. 0.00 10.0 0.00 23.1 40.6 40.6 0.0976562 10.0000000 256 1 129 ieqex= 0 EARTHQUAKE + EXPLOSION 10 TOP OF MODEL IS FREE SURFACE BASE OF MODEL IS HALFSPACE WITH PROPERTIES OF BOTTOM LAYER gil7.d LAYER H P-VEL S-VEL DENSITY 1 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 2 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 3 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 4 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 5 12.00 6.210 3.400 2.680 6 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 7 0.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 Working model d a b rho 1/qa 1/qb bsh 1/qbsh 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 1.500 2.280 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 2.400 2.280 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 2.780 2.580 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 3.180 2.580 12.000 6.210 3.400 2.680 0.001667 0.003333 3.400 2.680 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 0.001667 0.003333 3.980 3.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 0.001667 0.003333 4.520 3.260 XLENG= 0.2496000E+04 XFAC= 0.4000000E+01 WAVENUMBER FILTERING bounded in phase velocites [cmax,c1,c2,cmin]=[ -1.000, -1.000, -1.000, -1.000] ( -1.0 means 0.0 for cmin and infinity for cmax) LAYER INSERTION DONE mmax= 8 0.1000E+01 0.3200E+01 0.1500E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.2000E+01 0.4500E+01 0.2400E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.4800E+01 0.2780E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.5510E+01 0.3180E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+02 0.6210E+01 0.3400E+01 0.2680E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.2000E+01 0.6210E+01 0.3400E+01 0.2680E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.8000E+01 0.6890E+01 0.3980E+01 0.3000E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.0000E+00 0.7830E+01 0.4520E+01 0.3260E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 fl = 0.0000 fu = 0.50000 df = 3.90625E-03 n1 = 1 n2 = 129 n = 256 vmin = 1.5000 vamin = 3.2000 vamax = 7.8300 vbmin = 1.5000 vbmax = 4.5200 SOURCE DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depths = 15.0000 ( 15.0000 ) RECEIVER DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depthr = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) RECEIVER DISTANCES ( 3 ) r = 50.0000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 100.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 150.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 alpha = 9.7656250E-03 dt = 1.00 frequencies for which response computed 3.90625E-05 3.90625E-03 7.81250E-03 1.17188E-02 1.56250E-02 1.95312E-02 2.34375E-02 2.73438E-02 3.12500E-02 3.51562E-02 3.90625E-02 4.29688E-02 4.68750E-02 5.07812E-02 5.46875E-02 5.85938E-02 6.25000E-02 6.64062E-02 7.03125E-02 7.42188E-02 7.81250E-02 8.20312E-02 8.59375E-02 8.98438E-02 9.37500E-02 9.76562E-02 0.10156 0.10547 0.10938 0.11328 0.11719 0.12109 0.12500 0.12891 0.13281 0.13672 0.14062 0.14453 0.14844 0.15234 0.15625 0.16016 0.16406 0.16797 0.17188 0.17578 0.17969 0.18359 0.18750 0.19141 0.19531 0.19922 0.20312 0.20703 0.21094 0.21484 0.21875 0.22266 0.22656 0.23047 0.23438 0.23828 0.24219 0.24609 0.25000 0.25391 0.25781 0.26172 0.26562 0.26953 0.27344 0.27734 0.28125 0.28516 0.28906 0.29297 0.29688 0.30078 0.30469 0.30859 0.31250 0.31641 0.32031 0.32422 0.32812 0.33203 0.33594 0.33984 0.34375 0.34766 0.35156 0.35547 0.35938 0.36328 0.36719 0.37109 0.37500 0.37891 0.38281 0.38672 0.39062 0.39453 0.39844 0.40234 0.40625 0.41016 0.41406 0.41797 0.42188 0.42578 0.42969 0.43359 0.43750 0.44141 0.44531 0.44922 0.45312 0.45703 0.46094 0.46484 0.46875 0.47266 0.47656 0.48047 0.48438 0.48828 0.49219 0.49609 0.50000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 Transition to non-asymptotic at 7.81250000E-03 r(km) t0(sec) hs(km) hr(km) Tp(sec) Tsv(sec) Tsh(sec) 50.0 0.00 15.0 0.00 9.02 16.4 16.4 100. 0.00 15.0 0.00 16.2 28.6 28.6 150. 0.00 15.0 0.00 22.6 39.6 39.6 0.0976562 10.0000000 256 1 129 ieqex= 0 EARTHQUAKE + EXPLOSION 10 TOP OF MODEL IS FREE SURFACE BASE OF MODEL IS HALFSPACE WITH PROPERTIES OF BOTTOM LAYER gil7.d LAYER H P-VEL S-VEL DENSITY 1 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 2 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 3 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 4 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 5 12.00 6.210 3.400 2.680 6 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 7 0.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 Working model d a b rho 1/qa 1/qb bsh 1/qbsh 1.000 3.200 1.500 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 1.500 2.280 2.000 4.500 2.400 2.280 0.001667 0.003333 2.400 2.280 1.000 4.800 2.780 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 2.780 2.580 1.000 5.510 3.180 2.580 0.001667 0.003333 3.180 2.580 12.000 6.210 3.400 2.680 0.001667 0.003333 3.400 2.680 8.000 6.890 3.980 3.000 0.001667 0.003333 3.980 3.000 7.830 4.520 3.260 0.001667 0.003333 4.520 3.260 XLENG= 0.2496000E+04 XFAC= 0.4000000E+01 WAVENUMBER FILTERING bounded in phase velocites [cmax,c1,c2,cmin]=[ -1.000, -1.000, -1.000, -1.000] ( -1.0 means 0.0 for cmin and infinity for cmax) LAYER INSERTION DONE mmax= 8 0.1000E+01 0.3200E+01 0.1500E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.2000E+01 0.4500E+01 0.2400E+01 0.2280E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.4800E+01 0.2780E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1000E+01 0.5510E+01 0.3180E+01 0.2580E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.1200E+02 0.6210E+01 0.3400E+01 0.2680E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.3000E+01 0.6890E+01 0.3980E+01 0.3000E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.5000E+01 0.6890E+01 0.3980E+01 0.3000E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 0.0000E+00 0.7830E+01 0.4520E+01 0.3260E+01 0.1667E-02 0.3333E-02 fl = 0.0000 fu = 0.50000 df = 3.90625E-03 n1 = 1 n2 = 129 n = 256 vmin = 1.5000 vamin = 3.2000 vamax = 7.8300 vbmin = 1.5000 vbmax = 4.5200 SOURCE DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depths = 20.0000 ( 20.0000 ) RECEIVER DEPTH IN WORKING AND ORIGINAL MODEL ( 1 ) depthr = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) RECEIVER DISTANCES ( 3 ) r = 50.0000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 100.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 r = 150.000 tshift= 0.00000 vred= 0.00000 alpha = 9.7656250E-03 dt = 1.00 frequencies for which response computed 3.90625E-05 3.90625E-03 7.81250E-03 1.17188E-02 1.56250E-02 1.95312E-02 2.34375E-02 2.73438E-02 3.12500E-02 3.51562E-02 3.90625E-02 4.29688E-02 4.68750E-02 5.07812E-02 5.46875E-02 5.85938E-02 6.25000E-02 6.64062E-02 7.03125E-02 7.42188E-02 7.81250E-02 8.20312E-02 8.59375E-02 8.98438E-02 9.37500E-02 9.76562E-02 0.10156 0.10547 0.10938 0.11328 0.11719 0.12109 0.12500 0.12891 0.13281 0.13672 0.14062 0.14453 0.14844 0.15234 0.15625 0.16016 0.16406 0.16797 0.17188 0.17578 0.17969 0.18359 0.18750 0.19141 0.19531 0.19922 0.20312 0.20703 0.21094 0.21484 0.21875 0.22266 0.22656 0.23047 0.23438 0.23828 0.24219 0.24609 0.25000 0.25391 0.25781 0.26172 0.26562 0.26953 0.27344 0.27734 0.28125 0.28516 0.28906 0.29297 0.29688 0.30078 0.30469 0.30859 0.31250 0.31641 0.32031 0.32422 0.32812 0.33203 0.33594 0.33984 0.34375 0.34766 0.35156 0.35547 0.35938 0.36328 0.36719 0.37109 0.37500 0.37891 0.38281 0.38672 0.39062 0.39453 0.39844 0.40234 0.40625 0.41016 0.41406 0.41797 0.42188 0.42578 0.42969 0.43359 0.43750 0.44141 0.44531 0.44922 0.45312 0.45703 0.46094 0.46484 0.46875 0.47266 0.47656 0.48047 0.48438 0.48828 0.49219 0.49609 0.50000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 Transition to non-asymptotic at 3.90625000E-03 r(km) t0(sec) hs(km) hr(km) Tp(sec) Tsv(sec) Tsh(sec) 50.0 0.00 20.0 0.00 9.00 16.2 16.2 100. 0.00 20.0 0.00 15.8 27.8 27.8 150. 0.00 20.0 0.00 22.2 38.9 38.9
depth = 10
distance = 50
ZDD = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'ZDD'))[0].data
RDD = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'RDD'))[0].data
ZDS = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'ZDS'))[0].data
RDS = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'RDS'))[0].data
TDS = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'TDS'))[0].data
ZSS = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'ZSS'))[0].data
RSS = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'RSS'))[0].data
TSS = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'TSS'))[0].data
ZEX = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'ZEX'))[0].data
REX = read("%s/%.0f.%.4f.%s"%(green_dir,distance,depth,'REX'))[0].data
fig = plt.figure()
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (0,0))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (0,1))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (1,0))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (1,1))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (2,0))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (2,1))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (3,0))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (3,1))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (4,0))
plt.subplot2grid((5,2), (4,1))
2.3 Generate synthetic waveforms¶
def syn_wf(ZDD,RDD,ZDS,RDS,TDS,ZSS,RSS,TSS,ZEX,REX,Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz,az):
uz = Mxx*(ZSS/2*np.cos(2*az)-ZDD/6+ZEX/3)+ \
Myy*(-ZSS/2*np.cos(2*az)-ZDD/6+ZEX/3)+ \
Mzz*(ZDD/3+ZEX/3)+Mxy*ZSS*np.sin(2*az)+ \
ur = Mxx*(RSS/2*np.cos(2*az)-RDD/6+REX/3)+ \
Myy*(-RSS/2*np.cos(2*az)-RDD/6+REX/3)+ \
Mzz*(RDD/3+REX/3)+Mxy*RSS*np.sin(2*az)+ \
ut = Mxx*(TSS/2*np.sin(2*az))+Myy*(-TSS/2*np.sin(2*az))+ \
return uz,ur,ut
az_all = np.arange(0,360,10)/180*np.pi
uz_all = np.zeros((len(az_all),len(ZDD)))
ur_all = np.zeros((len(az_all),len(ZDD)))
ut_all = np.zeros((len(az_all),len(ZDD)))
#Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz = np.asarray([1,1,1,0,0,0])/np.sqrt(3) # isotropic explosion
#Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz = -np.asarray([0,0,0,1,0,0])/np.sqrt(2) # double couple, strike slip
#Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz = -np.asarray([0,0,0,0,1,0])/np.sqrt(2) # double couple, vertical dip slip
#Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz = np.asarray([-1,0,1,0,0,0])/np.sqrt(2) # double couple, 45 degree dip slip
#Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz = np.asarray([1,-2,1,0,0,0])/np.sqrt(6) # CLVD 1
Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz = np.asarray([1,1,-2,0,0,0])/np.sqrt(6) # CLVD 2
for i in np.arange(len(az_all)):
uz_all[i,:],ur_all[i,:],ut_all[i,:] = syn_wf(ZDD,RDD,ZDS,RDS,TDS,ZSS,RSS,TSS,ZEX,REX,Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz,az_all[i])
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Azimuth (degree)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'ut')
For inversion:
- preprocess earthquake waveforms
- generate green's functions
- Loop over all possible moment tensors and synthesize waveforms, compare the differences between observed and synthetic waveforms
- find the best-fitting moment tensor that can explain the observation
3. Focal mechanism¶
Solving the elastodynamic Green's function G is rather complicated. If we consider the simple case of a spherical wavefront from an isotropic source, some insight can also be obtained!
3.1 Suppose the source-time function is¶
\begin{equation} 4 \pi \delta (r)f(t) \end{equation}
The displacement field can be expressed as
\begin{equation} u(r,t)=(\frac{1}{r^2})f(t-r/ \alpha)+(\frac{1}{r\alpha})(\frac{\partial f(t-r/ \alpha)}{\partial \tau}) \end{equation}
The first term decays as 1/𝑟2 and is called the near-field term since it is important only relatively close to the source. The second term decays as 1/r and is called the far-field term because it will dominant at large distances from the source.
3.2 More complicated point force and double couple sources¶
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{u_i}^p(\boldsymbol{x},t) = \frac{1}{4 \pi \rho \alpha^3}\frac{x_i x_j x_k}{r^3} \frac{1}{r} \dot{M_{jk}}(t-\frac{r}{\alpha}) \end{equation}
Where r^2 = 𝑥1^2 + 𝑥2^2 + 𝑥3^2 is the squared distance to the receiver
\dot{M_0} is the time derivative of the moment tensor.
This is a general expression of the far-field P displacements for any moment tensor representation of the source
3.3 More specific example of a fault described by a double-couple source¶
fault is in the (x1,x2) plane with motion in the x1 direction, we then have M13 = M31 = M0 and
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{u_i}^p(\boldsymbol{x},t) = \frac{1}{2 \pi \rho \alpha^3}\frac{x_i x_1 x_3}{r^3} \frac{1}{r} \dot{M_{0}}(t-\frac{r}{\alpha}) \end{equation}
Substituting x using phi and theta based on \begin{equation} x_3/r = cos \theta \end{equation}
\begin{equation} x_1/r = sin \theta cos \phi \end{equation}
\begin{equation} x_i/r = \hat{r_i} \end{equation}
We have M13 = M31 = M0
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{u}^p = \frac{1}{4 \pi \rho \alpha^3}sin2\theta cos\phi \frac{1}{r}\dot{M_0}(t-\frac{r}{\alpha})\hat{\boldsymbol{r}} \end{equation}
3.4 S wave expression¶
General expression for far-field S displacements:
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{u_i}^S(\boldsymbol{x},t) = \frac{(\delta_{ij}-\gamma_i \gamma_j)\gamma_k}{4 \pi \rho \beta^3}\frac{1}{r} \dot{M_{jk}}(t-\frac{r}{\beta}) \end{equation}
beta is the shear veloity and the direction cosines are 𝛾i = xi/r
For a double-couple source with geometry shown in the figure above, it can be written as
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{u_i}^S(\boldsymbol{x},t) = \frac{1}{4 \pi \rho \beta^3}(cos 2\theta cos \phi \boldsymbol{\hat{\theta}}-cos\theta sin\phi \boldsymbol{\hat{\phi}})\frac{1}{r} \dot{M_{0}}(t-\frac{r}{\beta}) \end{equation}
3.5 visualization of waveform features¶
def P_S_pol_amp(theta,phi):
# P wave amplitude
P_amp = abs(np.sin(2*theta)*np.cos(phi))
P_pol = np.sign(np.sin(2*theta)*np.cos(phi))
# S wave amplitude
s1 = np.cos(2*theta)*np.cos(phi)
s2 = -np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)
S_amp = np.sqrt(s1*s1+s2*s2)
return P_pol, P_amp, S_amp
theta_all = np.arange(0,360,5)/180*np.pi
phi_all = np.arange(0,180,5)/180*np.pi
P_amp_all = np.zeros((len(theta_all),len(phi_all)))
S_amp_all = np.zeros((len(theta_all),len(phi_all)))
P_pol_all = np.zeros((len(theta_all),len(phi_all)))
for itheta in np.arange(len(theta_all)):
for iphi in np.arange(len(phi_all)):
P_pol_all[itheta,iphi],P_amp_all[itheta,iphi],S_amp_all[itheta,iphi] =P_S_pol_amp(theta_all[itheta],phi_all[iphi])
fig = plt.figure()
plt.ylabel('Dip phi (degree)')
plt.title('P wave polarity')
plt.title('P wave amplitude')
plt.ylabel('Dip phi (degree)')
plt.xlabel('Azi theta (degree)')
plt.title('S wave amplitude')
plt.xlabel('Azi theta (degree)')
plt.title('Log10(P/S wave ratio)')
/var/folders/gc/lpnp82h92tv35c_7v97w97cm0000gn/T/ipykernel_5711/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10 plt.pcolormesh(theta_all/np.pi*180,phi_all/np.pi*180,np.log10(P_amp_all/S_amp_all).T,cmap='jet',vmin=-2,vmax=2)
For inversion:
- measure polarity and amplitude ratio from earthquake waveforms
- synthesize polarity and amplitude ratio for a double-couple source
- rotate the synthesized waveform features to all possible strike, dip and rake
- find the best-fitting focal mechanism that can best explain all observations
4. Download and visualize earthquake information¶
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy import read_events, UTCDateTime
from obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader import CircularDomain, Restrictions, MassDownloader
import os
4.1 Obtain earthquake basic information¶
event_bool = True
if event_bool:
client = Client(dataCenter)
starttime = UTCDateTime("2019-07-16T00:00:00")
endtime = UTCDateTime("2019-07-16T23:59:59")
catalog = client.get_events(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime,
minlatitude=36, maxlatitude=38,
minlongitude=-122, maxlongitude=-120)
4.2 Obtain earthquake phase information¶
- Southern California: use STP
PHASE –f 10167485.phase -e 10167485
- Northern California: use FTP
4.3 Download waveform¶
# Time before and after event origin for waveform segments
time_before = 60
time_after = 300
download_bool = True
#obtain event information
event = catalog[0]
evid = str([0].resource_id).split("=")[-1]
evorigin = event.preferred_origin().time
evlo = event.preferred_origin().longitude
evla = event.preferred_origin().latitude
evdep = event.preferred_origin().depth # in meters
evmag = event.preferred_magnitude().mag
auth = event.preferred_origin().extra.catalog.value.replace(" ","")
# setup waveform download criteria
starttime = evorigin - time_before
endtime = evorigin + time_after
domain = CircularDomain(latitude=evla, longitude=evlo, minradius=0.7, maxradius=1.3)
restrictions = Restrictions(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime,
channel_priorities=["BH[ZNE12]", "HH[ZNE12]"],
# Dowanload waveforms and metadata
event_dir = path+evid
if not os.path.isdir(event_dir):
if download_bool:
mseed_storage = "%s/waveforms"%event_dir
stationxml_storage = "%s/stations"%event_dir
mdl = MassDownloader(providers=[dataCenter])
mdl_helper =, restrictions,
print("%s download completed"%event_dir)
[2023-10-28 11:01:42,699] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Initializing FDSN client(s) for NCEDC. [2023-10-28 11:01:42,771] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Successfully initialized 1 client(s): NCEDC. [2023-10-28 11:01:42,773] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Total acquired or preexisting stations: 0 [2023-10-28 11:01:42,773] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Requesting unreliable availability. [2023-10-28 11:01:44,703] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully requested availability (1.93 seconds) [2023-10-28 11:01:44,727] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Found 13 stations (39 channels). [2023-10-28 11:01:44,727] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Will attempt to download data from 13 stations. [2023-10-28 11:01:44,729] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Status for 39 time intervals/channels before downloading: NEEDS_DOWNLOADING [2023-10-28 11:01:46,690] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded 36 channels (of 39) [2023-10-28 11:01:46,691] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Launching basic QC checks... [2023-10-28 11:01:46,712] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Downloaded 3.7 MB [1939.79 KB/sec] of data, 0.0 MB of which were discarded afterwards. [2023-10-28 11:01:46,712] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Status for 3 time intervals/channels after downloading: DOWNLOAD_FAILED [2023-10-28 11:01:46,712] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Status for 36 time intervals/channels after downloading: DOWNLOADED [2023-10-28 11:01:49,592] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.CMB.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:49,593] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.CVS.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:49,728] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.BUCR.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:52,462] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.FARB.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:52,462] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.MCCM.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:52,573] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.MNRC.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:55,552] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.OAKV.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:55,556] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.QRDG.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:55,580] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.RUSS.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,501] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.SCZ.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,503] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.SAO.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,599] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Successfully downloaded './results40191336/stations/BK.WELL.xml'. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,613] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Downloaded 12 station files [1.1 MB] in 11.9 seconds [93.82 KB/sec]. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,617] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: ============================== Final report [2023-10-28 11:01:58,617] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: 0 MiniSEED files [0.0 MB] already existed. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,617] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: 0 StationXML files [0.0 MB] already existed. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,618] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Acquired 36 MiniSEED files [3.7 MB]. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,618] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Client 'NCEDC' - Acquired 12 StationXML files [1.1 MB]. [2023-10-28 11:01:58,619] - obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader - INFO: Downloaded 4.8 MB in total.
./results40191336 download completed
4.4 waveform preprocessing¶
from obspy import read, read_inventory, UTCDateTime
from obspy.geodetics.base import gps2dist_azimuth
from obspy.core.util.attribdict import AttribDict
pre_filt = (0.004,0.007,10,20)
sac_dir = "%s/sac"%event_dir # Output directory
if not os.path.isdir(sac_dir):
# Read response files
inv = read_inventory("%s/stations/*"%event_dir,format='STATIONXML')
# Read data
st = read("%s/waveforms/*"%event_dir,format='MSEED')
# Detrend and remove instrument response
st.detrend(type="linear") # equivalent to rtr in SAC
st.remove_response(inventory=inv, pre_filt=pre_filt, output="DISP", zero_mean=True) # correct to displacement
st.detrend(type="demean") # remove mean
# Define SAC headers and calculate back-azimtuh for rotation
origin_time = UTCDateTime(evorigin)
depth = evdep*1000
for tr in st:
meta = inv.get_channel_metadata(
dist, az, baz = gps2dist_azimuth(evla,evlo,meta['latitude'],meta['longitude'])
omarker = origin_time - tr.stats.starttime
# Obspy trace headers
tr.stats.distance = dist
tr.stats.back_azimuth = baz
# SAC headers
sacd = AttribDict()
sacd.stla = meta['latitude']
sacd.stlo = meta['longitude']
sacd.stel = meta['elevation']
sacd.evla = evla
sacd.evlo = evlo
sacd.evdp = evdep # in meters = az
sacd.baz = baz
sacd.dist = dist/1000 # convert to kilometers
sacd.o = 0
sacd.b = -1*omarker
tr.stats.sac = sacd
# Rotate to ZNE
# Get station names
netstaloccha = sorted(set(
[(, tr.stats.station, tr.stats.location,[:-1]) for tr in st]
# Keep only three-component seismograms, then rotate horizontals to RT
for net, sta, loc, cha in netstaloccha:
traces =,station=sta,location=loc,channel="%s[ZNE]"%cha)
if len(traces) != 3:
for tr in traces:
# Update station names
netstaloccha = set(
[(, tr.stats.station, tr.stats.location,[:-1], "ZRT",
tr.stats.sac.dist,, tr.stats.sac.stlo, tr.stats.sac.stla) for tr in"Z")]
# save the data in SAC format
print("Saving instrument corrected data to %s."%sac_dir)
for tr in st:
Saving instrument corrected data to ./results40191336/sac.
4.5 Waveform visualization¶
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
freqmin = 0.02
freqmax = 0.05
corners = 2
st_filt = st.copy()
# Apply filter and taper the edges
# Each seismogram is normalized against each trace
xmin = 0
xmax = 150
ymin = 75
ymax = 145
scale = 2 # scale the traces
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(15,10))
for component, ax in zip(("T","R","Z"),axes):
for tr in
times = tr.times() - (origin_time - tr.stats.starttime) /= max(abs( *= scale
ax.set_xlabel("Times [s]")
ax.set_ylabel("Distance [km]")
ax.set_title("%s: bp %.0f-%.0f seconds"%(component,1/freqmax,1/freqmin))
5. Related packages¶
Package for moment tensor inversion¶
Package for focal mechanism calculation¶