Standard Format for Seismic Event Data
Folder structure:
- /SeismicEventData/
- waveform.h5
- phase_picks.csv
- stations.json
- catalog.csv
- meta_info.txt
waveform.h5 format:
For simple explanation, we use the M6.4 Ridgecrest earthquake as an example. We recommand to store raw data without preprocessing such as filtering. In the dataset we are using, we put the first P pick of all stations at 30s and cut a window size of 120s. This convection can be changed according to different seismic networks.
- File name: waveform.h5
- "ci38443183": (group)
- "ci38443183".attrs:
- "event_id": ci38443183 (str)
- "event_time": 2019-07-04T17:33:490000+00:00 (str)
- "event_time_index"1: 2518 (int)
- "begin_time": 2019-07-04T17:33:190000+00:00 (str)
- "end_time": 2019-07-04T17:35:190000+00:00 (str)
- "latitude": 35.705 (float)
- "longitude": -117.504 (float)
- "depth_km": 10.5 (float)
- "magnitude": 6.4 (float)
- "magnitude_type": Mw (str)
- "sampling_rate": 100 (int)
- "nt": 1200 (int)
- "nx"2: 15 (int)
- "source": CI (str)
- "ci38443183/CI.RJOB..EH": (dataset; shape: 3\(\times\)nt, unit: μm/s; float32)
- "ci38443183/CI.RJOB..EH".attrs:
- "network": CI (str)
- "station": RJOB (str)
- "location": "" (str)
- "instrument": "EH" (str)
- "component": "ENZ" (str)
- "latitude": 35.705 (float)
- "longitude": -117.504 (float)
- "elevation_m": 10.0 (float)
- “local_depth_m”3: -3.0 (float)
- "distance_km": 19.2 (float32)
- "takeoff_angle: 13.0 (float32)
- "azimuth": 35.3 (float32)
- "back_azimuth": 152.1 (float32)
- "dt_s": 0.01 (float)
- "unit": 1e-6 m/s (str)
- "snr": [1.1, 2.3, 2.0] (list of float)
- "p_phase_index": 3000 (int)
- "s_phase_index": 3023 (int)
- "p_phase_score": 1.0 (float32)
- "s_phase_score": 0.9 (float32)
- "p_phase_time": "2022-04-26T13:50:65.160000+00:00" (str)
- "s_phase_time": "2022-04-26T13:50:65.390000+00:00" (str)
- "p_phase_polarity": U (str)
- "s_phase_polarity": N (str)
- "p_phase_status": automatic (str)
- "s_phase_status": manual (str)
- "phase_type": [P, S, …] (list of str)
- "phase_index"4: [3000, 3023, …] (list of int)
- "phase_score": [1.0, 0.9, …] (list of float)
- "phase_time": [2022-04-26T13:50:65.160000+00:00, … ] (list of str)
- "phase_polarity": [U, D, N, …]5 (list of str)
- "event_id": [ci38443183, ci38443183, ...] (list of str; multiple events in a window)
- "ci38443183/..." (next station)
- ... (next group)
phase_picks.csv format:
The phase_pick.csv file lists the attrs information of h5 files, which makes it easy to select training data. We recommand use comma (,) as the delimiter of the CSV file.
- Headers: event_id,station_id,phase_index,phase_time,phase_score,phase_type,phase_polarity
- dtype: str,str,int,str,float,str,str
- e.g.:ci38443183,CI.RJOB..EH,3000,2019-07-04T17:33:520000+00:00,0.98,P,U
stations.json format:
The stations.json file contains station location information
"CI.CCC..BH": {
"longitude": -117.36453,
"latitude": 35.52495,
"elevation_m": 670,
"local_depth_m": -3.0,
"component": ["E","N","Z"],
"sensitivity": [627368000.0, 627368000.0, 627368000.0],
"unit": "m/s"
.... (next station)
catalog.csv format:
The catalog.csv file contains earthquake event information
- Headers: event_id,time, latitude, longitude,depth_km,magnitude,magnitude_type,source
- dtype: str,str,float,float,float,float,str,str
- e.g.:ci38443183,2019-07-04T17:33:490000+00:00,35.705,-117.504,10.5,6.4,Mw,CI
meta_info.txt format
This file contains other useful information about the dataset
Earthquake number: 145483
Time range: 2019-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 - 2020-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00
Spatial range: (min_latitude, max_latitude, min_longitude, max_longitude) = (-122 -112, 30, 40)
Magnitude range: (-1.0, 8.0)